yrs是什么意思 YR啥意思

2022-10-18 03:30 综合知识 7702阅读 投稿:知识库
最佳答案英语里,“yrs”通常是“years”和“yours”的缩写形式,通常在发短信、聊天等场合使用,代表“年”和“你的, 你们的”意思

英语里,“yrs”通常是“years”和“yours”的缩写形式,通常在发短信、聊天等场合使用,代表“年”和“你的, 你们的”意思。

yrs可翻译成两种意思,一是year的复数形式years(年),一是yours(你的, 你们的)。


1、Will try & get over this loss too…like in the last 2yrs.


2、I don't know how long records have been kept, but even if we can go back 500 yrs is that enough time given how old the earth is to say with any certainty?


3、From my personal experience over the past 7 yrs I can say I've seen less than 10 women in what I've been involved with but hope to see more women in the future.


4、Li’s decision to stay has been somewhat vindicated by the fact that Baidu’s revenue has grown by 30 times over the last 5 yrs.

